

Funk n Revive has been used over the years at Auction houses, antique vintage stores and people looking to take great care of their pieces to pass down to the family.   Restoration periods vary, the polish works its magic on them all!   

Special thanks goes out to Rebecca Williams for allowing us to share her gorgeous photos of her restored furniture pieces.

Georgian, Chippendale, Victorian, Gothic, Rococo Revival, Arts n Crafts, Edwardian, Queen Anne, Art deco, Art nouveau, mid century modern


parker 1960s funknrevive restorer finish

fred ward mid century funknrevive polish restore

Glenelg Auction house Rupertswood Funknrevive Furniture Polish

Arm chair polished with funknrevive restored rupertswoodFunknrevive polish burr walnut secretary desk

 Table polish funknrevive restorer

antique bed restoration project with polish no sanding

 bookcase library rupertswood funknrevive polish restorerGrandfather clock funknrevive polish

 mid century teak vaneer funknrevive polish restore


mid century chairs retro funknrevive clean furniture restore

 restored polish funknrevive mid century retro vintage daybed

70’s solid teak armoire funknrevive mid century restore polish